Demonstrating CropFollow++
Robust Under-Canopy Navigation with Keypoints

Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar1
Mateus Valverde Gasparino1
Michael McGuire2
Vitor AH Higuti2
M Ugur Akcal1
Girish Chowdhary1
1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2 Earthsense Inc.
Correspondence to {av7, girishc}
RSS 2024
Outstanding Demo Paper Award Finalist

We present an empiricially robust vision-based navigation system for under-canopy agricultural robots using semantic keypoints. Autonomous under-canopy navigation is challenging due to the tight spacing between the crop rows (~0.75 m), degradation in RTK-GPS accuracy due to multipath error, and noise in LiDAR measurements from the excessive clutter. Earlier work called CropFollow addressed these challenges by proposing a learning-based visual navigation system with end-to-end perception. However, this approach has the following limitations: Lack of interpretable representation, and Sensitivity to outlier predictions during occlusion due to lack of a confidence measure. Our system, CropFollow++, introduces modular perception architecture with a learned semantic keypoint representation. This learned representation is more modular, and more interpretable than CropFollow, and provides a confidence measure to detect occlusions. CropFollow++ significantly outperformed CropFollow in terms of the number of collisions (13 vs. 33) in field tests spanning ~1.9km each in challenging late-season fields with significant occlusions. We also deployed CropFollow++ in multiple under-canopy cover crop planting robots on a large scale (25 km in total) in various field conditions and we discuss the key lessons learned from this.

CropFollow++ Overview
The camera RGB image is used as input to our neural network model that predicts keypoints to locate the crop rows. The keypoints are used to create a trajectory that is used as the reference for an MPC to navigate the robot.