Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), advised by Prof. Girish Chowdhary and focusing on vision and learning-based autonomy for agricultural robots. Broadly, I am interested in developing and deploying field robotic systems for precision agriculture, environmental monitoring, and management. Outside of research, I enjoy travelling, and perfecting my biryani recipes.

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Demonstrating CropFollow++: Under-Canopy Agricultural Navigation with Keypoints
Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Mateus V Gasparino, Michael McGuire, Vitor AH Higuti, M Ugur Akcal, Girish Chowdhary
RSS 2024 Outstanding Demo Paper Award Finalist

W-RIZZ: A Weakly-Supervised Framework for Relative Traversability Estimation in Mobile Robotics
Andre Schreiber, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Peter Du, Mateus V Gasparino, Girish Chowdhary, Katherine Driggs-Campbell
RAL 2024

WayFASTER: a Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction for Increased Navigation Awareness
Mateus V Gasparino, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Girish Chowdhary
ICRA 2024

Under-canopy dataset for advancing simultaneous localization and mapping in agricultural robotics
Jose Cuaran, Andres Eduardo Baquero Velasquez, Mateus Valverde Gasparino, Naveen Kumar Uppalapati, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Justin Wasserman, Muhammad Huzaifa, Sarita Adve, Girish Chowdhary
IJRR 2023

CropNav: a Framework for Autonomous Navigation in Real Farms
Mateus V Gasparino, Vitor AH Higuti, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Andres EB Velasquez, Marcelo Becker, Girish Chowdhary
ICRA 2023

ApproxCaliper: A Programmable Framework for Application-aware Neural Network Optimization
Yifan Zhao, Hashim Sharif, Peter Pao-Huang, Vatsin Shah, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Mateus Valverde Gasparino, Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Nathan Zhao, Sarita Adve, Girish Chowdhary, Sasa Misailovic, Vikram Adve
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 2023

NDVI/NDRE prediction from standard RGB aerial imagery using deep learning
Corey Davidson, Vishnu Jaganathan, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Joby M Prince Czarnecki, Girish Chowdhary
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2022

WayFAST: Navigation With Predictive Traversability in the Field
Mateus V Gasparino, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Yixiao Liu, Andres EB Velasquez, Vitor AH Higuti, John Rogers, Huy Tran, Girish Chowdhary
RAL 2022

Proactive Anomaly Detection for Robot Navigation With Multi-Sensor Fusion
Tianchen Ji, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Girish Chowdhary, Katherine Driggs-Campbell
RAL 2022

Learned Visual Navigation for Under-Canopy Agricultural Robots
Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Sahil Modi, Mateus Valverde Gasparino, Che Ellis, Andres Eduardo Baquero Velasquez, Girish Chowdhary*, Saurabh Gupta*
RSS 2021
webpage / arXiv

Multi-sensor fusion based robust row following for compact agricultural robots
Andres Eduardo Baquero Velasquez, Vitor Akihiro Hisano Higuti, Mateus Valverde Gasparino, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Marcelo Becker, Girish Chowdhary
Field Robotics Journal 2022

Maize tassel detection from UAV imagery using deep learning
Aziza Alzadjali, Mohammed H Alali, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Jitender S Deogun, Stephen Scott, James C Schnable, Yeyin Shi
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2021

Improved crop row detection with deep neural network for early-season maize stand count in UAV imagery
Yan Pang, Yeyin Shi, Shancheng Gao, Feng Jiang, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Laura Thompson, Joe Luck, Chao Liu
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2020

Comparison of Object Detection and Patch-Based Classification Deep Learning Models on Mid-to Late-Season Weed Detection in UAV Imagery
Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Jiating Li, Stephen Scott, Eric Psota, Amit J Jhala, Joe D Luck, Yeyin Shi
Remote Sensing 2020

Principal variable selection to explain grain yield variation in winter wheat from features extracted from UAV imagery
Jiating Li, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Madhav Bhatta, Nicholas D Garst, Hannah Stoll, P Stephen Baenziger, Vikas Belamkar, Reka Howard, Yufeng Ge, Yeyin Shi
Plant Methods 2019

Elucidating sorghum biomass, nitrogen and chlorophyll contents with spectral and morphological traits derived from unmanned aircraft system
Jiating Li, Yeyin Shi, Arun Narenthiran Sivakumar, Daniel P Schachtman
Frontiers in Plant Science 2018
